There is no secret that a lot of our inspiration for cocktail garnishes come from the kitchen, desserts in particular. We have been playing around with the idea of using meringues as decoration for our tipples for some time now and finally we are ready to introduce you to our recipe for these beautiful rainbow meringues.

Firstly, you need to separate your egg whites from yolks. Put two medium sized egg whites/75g in a bowl and using a hand mixer whisk for about 2-3 min. Once you have whisked the eggs for a few minutes, you can gradually start adding the sugar. Continue adding sugar to the mixture while mixing until you have a smooth and glossy texture. If you would like to flavour your meringues, you can add a couple of drops of vanilla, almond or any other essence of your choice. Make sure it is well combined, set it aside.

The next step is preparing your piping bag. Using a paint brush, paint the inside of the bag with your choice of food colouring. You can use just one or mix together several colours. The more food colouring you add, the more intense the layers will look; however, you don’t want the layer to be too thick. Use several piping bags if you want different coloured meringues.

Once you have painted your piping bag(s) add the egg white mixture inside and cut the end of your piping bag. Gently squeeze and pipe your egg white mixture on a baking mat in any shape or form.

Place the baking tray on the middle shelf in a preheated oven and bake at 100°C for 40 minutes. Once done, leave the meringues to rest in the switched off oven for a further 20 minutes. Finally, your meringues are ready.



2 egg whites/75g

150g Caster Sugar

Food Colouring


Hand Mixer

Paint Brush

Piping Bag


  1. Add egg whites to a bowl
  2. Whisk with increasing intensity for 2-3 minutes
  3. Gradually add sugar
  4. Whisk for another 8 minutes
  5. Add colour to your piping bag (for clearer instructions check the video)
  6. Pipe egg white mixture on a baking mat in any shape or form
  7. Bake for 40 minutes at 100°C
  8. Leave it to rest in a switched off over for 20 minutes.

Enjoy or use it as a cocktail garnish

For examples on how to use meringue as your cocktail garnish check out our delicious Sapling Spritz cocktail or the Wizard mocktail.